Healthy, Wealthy Tips
⚫ Talk with someone trustworthy or join a share circle to express how you feel. 'Talking it out' is therapeutic and can help you identify what your stressors are.
⚫ Cry completely! Crying is healthy & helps you regain emotional balance. We know, we know- no one likes to cry but trust us; it is a necessary part of your rebuild.
⚫ Unplug! Leave your phone on silent---spend time without technology to help quiet the mind. There is tranquility in listening deeply to the natural sounds around you.
⚫ Pray, meditate and sleep well. It is said that the best temperature for sleep is between 15 & 19 degrees Celsius.
⚫ Here's a tasty tip---have some chocolate! Science shows that habitually consuming dark chocolate helps reduce stress hormone levels.
Remember, it is okay to not be okay. To improve yourself, you do not need to have all the answers. One step in the right direction is all you need for growth to unfold.

Bonus Tip
Great news! You do not have to figure this out alone.
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